Monday, October 25, 2010

Crew Watch... out!

My dorm room door! - every single thing about my shows ha.

'On The Shore of the Wide World' opens in 12 days! Unbelievable!

Last Friday began our official turn into almost tech week / basically tech week status. It was crew watch! 'Crew watch' was a new concept for me. I'm used to actors rehearsing until tech week and then lights and other crew people coming in a few days before we open to just throw in some lights while we're rehearsing one day. So Friday, the entire crew of OTS sat in our our rehearsal, just to watch the show. All costumes, lights, sound, vocal coach... anyone who's involved with the show got to see it all the way through before starting any work. Fantastic. Plus, an added bonus to basically have a small audience to bump up the energy in the room.

Sunday (Not Saturday, because Ohio State had a football game on Saturday... so of course the rest of the campus stops all other activities) we were in a classroom, away from the beloved stage because of all the light work that needed to be done. How strange - lights getting done BEFORE tech week and WITHOUT the actors present! How.. professional. I got to rehearsal an hour early to participate in an optional warm up lead by the lovely Allison, playing 'Susan' in OTS. I was a little late, so I didn't get to completely indulge, but my goodness. She knows how to make you relax! Its so nice to know that there are legitimate warmups for actors with the body andddd the voice. Voice isn't just for singers! Quite a lovely learning experience and something I will certainly keep in my bag of tricks.

But Sunday was a good rehearsal. We have started perfecting the 'transitions' of scenes which we started the other day. Its such an interesting concept. At the very end of one scene, (most scenes only consist of two characters) each character says a line. Then the next scene says two of their lines, and they alternate until the first scene is done and by that time the other scene has already got started! It is the perfect addition to this play especially because the mood is so deep and kind of depressing. It gives a nice movement and flow to the show and definitely will keep the audience's attention high!

To make Sunday even better - my director surprised us all by having written HAIKU's about every character in the show! It was incredible, she's such a lovely lady. She read each of them, and we had to guess which character they were about. Here is mine

"Damaged by parents. Searching for a better tribe. Trusting the tight rope."

I just keep on learning so much every day. I've never actually filled up a notebook with work from a show, and doing it for this one is a great feeling. My momentum is at full force! 12 more days until we step off the shore!

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